Don't Settle for ``Good Enough.`` Get Festival-Ready with DaVinci PreFest™.

Hands down, the most impactful investment for your project. – Ethan Fenn, Leo Award® Winner

The festival circuit is fierce. Thousands of talented filmmakers compete each year, and every detail counts. Is your project truly polished and ready to make a lasting first impression?

We have unique insight into the business … 

At DaVinci International Film Festival (DIFF), we know perfection isn’t always achievable. But giving your project its best shot is. That’s why we created PreFest® Services – a one-stop shop for independent filmmakers and screenwriters.

PreFest offers:

  • Professional Consultations: Our team is comprised of award-winning filmmakers, WGA screenwriters, A-list colorists, editors, and Emmy-winning composers and producers. They’ll give you actionable feedback to elevate your film or screenplay, for a great festival experience and results!
  • Final Polishes: Need to tighten dialogue, shave minutes off your runtime, or get expert feedback on sound and color? We can help!
  • Festival Edge: First impressions are crucial. PreFest will ensure your project stands out and has the best chance of success on the festival circuit (and beyond).

But wait, there’s more!  Package your film or script with pro-level pitch material, including deck development, one sheets, web dev, print collateral, and more!  The experts behind this work have developed material and industry brands for virtually every studio and network.

Stop wondering if your project is good enough. Get the guidance you need to compete with confidence. PreFest is here to turn your film or screenplay into a festival frontrunner.

Ready to learn more?

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  • SCREENPLAY Polishing & Master Scene format support
  • FILM / VIDEO General Notes (Feature, Short, Documentary, Animation)
    • EDIT


  • DECKS Get your pitch deck reviewed by an industry pro who has developed decks for major studios, streamers, producer, and virtual every network.
  • PROJECT WEBSITE General notes
  • PRINT COLLATERAL Post cards or One Sheets for socializing at major markets

Order Prefest Today!

PreFest Services are a premium offering designed to elevate your project and require a fee. DaVinci International Film Festival reserves the right to decline PreFest Services to any applicant, at our sole discretion. Due to the popularity of this service, turnaround times may vary, with a typical goal of two weeks. However, to ensure ample time for feedback implementation before any festival deadlines, we recommend planning ahead. DaVinci International Film Festival is not responsible for any missed deadlines resulting from the use or non-use of PreFest Services.