We’ve listed a number of popular frequently asked questions below, but should you have additional questions that are not answered here, please feel free to contact us for more information.  Alternatively you can fill out our general inquiry form here, and someone will get back to you soon.

What does DIFF stand for?

DaVinci International Film Festival

What is Storyline?

STORYLINE℠ is DaVinci International Film Festival’s screenwriting competition series.  Here at DIFF, we believe every great film starts with a great screenplay, and due to the high volume of professional-level material we have received each quarter, we launched a division brand to solely represent our screenwriting competition.  Learn more here.

What is the Festival's format?

DaVinci International Film Festival offers a competitive platform for filmmakers in narrative, documentary, animation, ultra-short, music, and screenwriting. A rigorous selection process culminates in an annual live event in Los Angeles, where Official Selections compete for the coveted Leo Award.

Finalist vs. Official Selection at DIFF

  • Storyline Finalists: Lauded for their exceptional scripts, Storyline finalists earn a laurel distinction, an invitation to the live event, and the chance to compete for the coveted Leo Award for Best Screenplay. Unveiling in 2024: The Writers’ Corner! Storyline finalists showcase a scene from their scripts through professional readings on the big screen, followed by a lively Q&A.
  • Official Selections: Shining bright amidst the competition, filmmakers whose work receives the Official Selection laurel are invited to showcase their film (live or online) and vie for the Leo Award in narrative, documentary, or animation categories.

When does the festival take place?

OCTOBER 10-12, 2025

Where does the festival take place?

How much is the entry fee?

Entry fees vary per category and deadline. You can learn more at filmfreeway.com/DaVinciFilmFestival.  We do not offer waivers or refunds.

Do you have Earlybird and Late fee structure?

Yes we do.  Please visit FilmFreeway for exact pricing.

Can I get refunded if my project is not eligible?

Unfortunately, refunds aren’t possible for ineligible projects. To avoid this, double-check the guidelines for your chosen section before submitting, thank you.

Do you accept PayPal?

Only for donations at this time.  If you are interested in submitting to DIFF directly (not on FilmFreeway), please contact us at info@davincifilm.org to learn more.

I don't have a credit card. What can I do?

Unfortunately, we do not accept checks or other forms of payment at this time.  We work with our secured payment gateway partners at both FilmFreeway and Paypal.

I'm a student. What are the conditions?

There is a reduced submission fee to enter DIFF Jr. Leo Program for our valid student filmmakers.  Please check the platform for student rates.  Valid student ID must be presented for discount.

I would like to submit my project to more than one section. Do I have to pay an entry fee for each section?


Do you have Premiere status requirements at DIFF?

DIFF does not require premiere status for in-competition submissions.  We do, however, require the film to be no older than one (1) year from locked picture when submitted. Questions?  Contact us.

Tell me about the Leo Award

The Leo is our most prized award at the DaVinci International Film Festival.  It is reserved for our BEST OF FEST in each qualifying category.  It is a prestigious museum-grade bust state of the luminary, Leonardo da Vinci himself.  DIFF 2024 introduces an all-new Leo Award bust statue for our winners! 

Leo winners in each category are selected by an appointed DIFF Selection Committee, Jury, and Board of Directors.

What are your Submission Dates?

Access fee structure and submission deadlines at FilmFreeway.

What categories do you accept?

How can I submit?

We accept submission through our festival partner, FilmFreeway, as well as direct submission via our website using our secured payment gateway.  For more information, please visit our submission page.

How old can my project be? (year completion restrictions)

Your film project must be no more than one (1) year old from ‘picture lock’ at the time of submission to DIFF.  We do not have any restrictions for screenwriting submissions at STORYLINE.

How can I pay?

Payment is accepted only in US dollars (U$D) through our secured payment gateway or via our festival partner platforms.  Unfortunately, we do not accept checks or other payment methods at this time.  A photocopy of your valid student ID must be enclosed with payment (if submitting under the STUDENT category).  Unfortunately, we are unable to offer any refunds.

What if I don't get in, can I get a refund?

There are no refunds on any submission.

When will I be notified?

Please visit FilmFreeway for deadlines and notification information.

Where can I post my laurel?

ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE.  We are just as proud as you are!  Also, please make sure to #davincifilmfestival on your socials.  Thank you and congratulations!

How do I submit my screenplay?

Welcome to STORYLINE.  Learn more about our submission guidelines, rules, and submit!

Screenplay submissions require 1) Screenplay with name on title page ONLY.  Please do NOT have your name on script pages. 2) Payment via our payment gateway partners.  For more information, please visit STORYLINE.

Do you mail the winners their trophy?

Unfortunately, no. Leo Awards are presented in person at our live event only.

If a winning filmmaker cannot attend the event for whatever reason, we ask that you send someone in your place to accept the award on your behalf.  If a filmmaker is unable to attend because they are overseas and can not travel due to sanction(s), then we are happy to work with a local Consulate representative to have them receive the Leo Award on your behalf.  

Finally, if you can not attend to accept your Leo Award, but would be able to attend the following year, we are happy to hold onto your statue for one year† and present you with it at the following festival. If this is what you would like to do, it is important to contact us to make arrangements.

† One (1) year only.

Who's Leonardo da Vinci?

Hmm.  OK.  Check him out.

Something we missed?  Contact us.